A friend recently posted the above on Instagram and it made me reflect. Did I really accomplish all that much in 2021? Did I make excuses? Was I afraid to take risks? Am I getting any closer to my goals?
Surprisingly, I was able to list 53 items. In the end however, I realized that the biggest wins weren’t always the biggest in terms of impact, but of effort. A lot of what I listed felt good. It made me smile because I cared enough to search for solutions rather than complain about obstacles.
I invite you to try and list your 50. Who knows…maybe it will spur you to look ahead and create some even bigger wins in 2022.
Every Monday morning at 10 AM EST I will post a powerful prompt and follow it wherever it leads. The aim is to resource all "three brains" — head 🧠, heart 💓, and gut 🤰 — in hopes of connecting the dots to those sticky parts in our nature that matter.
A Great Idea... We are all surrounded constantly with media that does nothing but create fear and sadness. I start my mornings with a cup of tea, and then I start writing what I am grateful for. Expanding that to your request to be writing about 50 good things that happen made me feel like I need to appreciate the little things like knowing that my friend and neighbor is healing...and her undiagnosed pain is over. After several months of pain, that is a gift that should not be taken lightly. I expanded my 50 things to include many other things I take for granted, including having healthy pets. No good thing should fail to record in our brains...and then in our hearts and our gut.